Archive for February 2020

Possible Maya observation of Orionid meteor outburst on AD 417 September 24

February 6, 2020

Recently my colleague David Asher and I completed a research paper detailing the orbital dynamics of an Orionid meteor outburst that likely occurred  at around 01:30 AM on the morning of September 24, 417 and may have been viewed from the ancient Maya site of Rio Azul, Guatemala.  This article can be downloaded from the meteor page and also there is a link provided to the Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society so the article soon to be printed can be viewed from the MNRAS website.  On September 29, 417, the birth of an unknown governor, “Governor X” was recorded on the east end of Tomb 1 at Rio Azul, Guatemala.  A glaring error in the inscription may be the key to noting this very rare probable outburst.   In another article soon to be published in the Codex, at the University of Pennsylvania Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology the author will detail what this may mean regarding some of the probable outbursts that the Maya may have observed.